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 Home > Services > Radiethesia
3 May 2024, 9:12 pm EDT Shopping Cauldron Cart  |  Checkout  |   Welcome! Sign in or register.


What is Radiesthesia?

Also known as pallomancy, dowsing or water-witching: It is the use of a pendulum, divining rods or other extensions of the body for divination work in answering questions, to measure radiations from a given object or person to find the actual location of a person, place, thing, or element or in answering yes or no questions. You can also hold a pendulum over a chart to answer specific questions on life patterns, over a focus plate or your palm for answering yes or no questions.

More information about Radiesthesia can be found about the classic work of Abbé Mermet and an Overview of Radiesthesia

What is Teleradiesthesia?

Teleradiesthesia is the use of a pendulum to answer questions regarding a remote object, i.e., one that is not present, usually with an image, map or other visual aid.

Please e-mail* us to set-up a teleradiesthesia reading. Readings are $25 per question. Questions need to be in a yes or no format.

* Please let us know how many questions you would like answered. We will respond with an email invoice and instructions on how to proceed with your reading(s).