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Articles and Bullitens

ALL About Mabon: History, Recipes, Correspondences, Activities and Much More!  (PART 4)

(A Diverse Collection of Mabon Information)


Posted and edited to fit MySpace's format by MAGICKAL WINDS

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Latin name: Lonicera caprifolium, Lonicera Periclymenum.


Common names: Woodbine, Dutch Honeysuckle, Goats' Leaf.


Parts Used: Flowers, seeds, leaves.


Herbal uses: The Honeysuckle is a favorite food of goats. Used as a herbal remedy,

Honeysuckle has an effect on salmonella and streptococcus. It can be used as an

antibiotic to treat colds, flu, etc. Honeysuckle has expectorant and laxative properties.

The flowers (in syrup form) have been used against diseases of the respiratory organs and

in the treatment of asthma. The leaves (as a decoction) have been used to treat diseases

of the liver and spleen.


Associations: Honeysuckle is an herb of mercury and mars, and is associated with the

element of earth.


Magickal Uses: Honeysuckle is an herb of the mind and prosperity. When the fresh herb is

rubbed on the forehead, psychic abilities are heightened. In much the same way, if

Honeysuckle oil is dabbed on the temples, the person will think quicker and clearer.

Honeysuckle also adds memory. Honeysuckle is an important herb to use in prosperity

spells and attract money spells. A green candle can be ringed with Honeysuckle flowers to

attract money to the spell worker. In fact, Honeysuckle can be added to all prosperity

incense or sachets. Honeysuckle is also an herb of devotion, fidelity and affection, and

those who wear it will dream of their own true love.





Latin name: Calendula officinalis


Common names: Calendula, Husband's Dial, Holigold, Marybud, Caltha officinalis, Golds,

Ruddes, Mary Gowles, Oculus Christi, Pot Marigold, Marygold, Fiore d'ogni mese, Solis



Parts Used: Flowers, herb, leaves.


Herbal uses: Marigold is chiefly used as a local remedy. It is useful in the treatment of

chronic ulcer, varicose veins, and jaundice. A Marigold flower, rubbed on the affected

part, is a remedy for the pain and swelling caused by the sting of a wasp or bee. A

lotion made from the flowers can be used for sprains and wounds. The leaves can eaten as

a salad and a yellow dye has also been extracted from the flower, by boiling.


Associations: Marigold is associated with the sun and the element of fire.


Magickal uses: Magical attributes include prophesy, legal matters, the psychic, seeing

magical creatures, love, clairvoyance, dreams, business or legal affairs and renewing

personal energy. Be sure to gather your Marigolds for magickal workings at noon. A fresh

Marigold flower can be worn to court for a favorable outcome of a trial. If you place

Marigold in your mattress, you will have prophetic dreams... and if you place it under

your mattress it will make whatever you dream come true. Since the Marigold embodies the

sun, it can make a person more attractive and confident. Add Marigold to your bath water

to make this happen. A vase of fresh and bright Marigolds in a room brings a renewed

surge of life to those in the room!





Latin name: Asclepiadaceae


Parts used: flowers, bud, sap, root


Herbal uses: The Milkweed root is powdered and then used to treat bronchitis and other

respiratory ailments. It has a very milky juice, which is used as a domestic application

to warts (I've done this, and it works!). The root taken in tea is said to produce

temporary sterility. The tender buds can be eaten when steamed and are said to taste like

broccoli. Milkweed is TOXIC if too much is taken internally.


Magickal uses: Both Monarch butterflies and fairies like milkweed. If Milkweed is planted

in a Witches garden, the fey will always be in the area. The silky tassels of the

Milkweed pods can be added to a dream pillow to not only make it softer but also to make

you dream of fairies. In the summer when the pods are bursting and the fluffy seeds are

flying across the fields, a wish is granted for each seed that can be caught and then

released again.





Latin name: Commiphora myrrha


Common names: Mirra, Morr, Didin, Didthin, Bowl, Karan, Mirra Balsam Olendron, Gum Myrrh.


Part Used: The oleo-gum-resin from the stem.


Herbal Uses: Myrrh is gathered from trees grown in Arabia and Somaliland. It has uses as

a disinfectant wound wash. Used internally it increases circulation - although prolonged

internal use causes kidney damage. It also is an excellent insect repellent and as a

tincture it is good for bad breath and gum problems


Associations: Myrrh is associated with the Moon and Jupiter, and with the element of

water. Myrrh is sacred to the Goddess Isis and is also associated with Adonis, Ra and



Magickal uses: Myrrh is used in magick for protection, peace, exorcism, healing,

consecration, blessing, meditation and heightening spirituality. As an incense Myrrh can

be used to help deepen mediation and to aid contemplation. Myrrh can be used in any

ritual to the Goddess Isis, since Myrrh is a Goddess plant of the moon's sphere and is

sacred to Isis. Myrrh can also be burned so that its smoke can purify and protect an

area, and the smoke can also be used to consecrate and bless objects like rings, amulets,

and ritual tools. As an essential oil, Myrrh can be used to purify, protect and also for

hex breaking. If you are having trouble with pesky spirits or unwanted magickal energies

sent to you, annoit your house both first thing in the morning and last thing at night

with Myrrh for protection. Myrrh can be used in charm bags with Frankincense too, since

combining it with Frankincense increases ts power. Any use of Myrrh - either as incense,

oil, or carried as an amulet - will help raise the magickal energies of any spell work

that is done.





Latin name: Passiflora incarnata


Common names: Passion Vine, Granadilla, Maracoc, Maypops.


Part Used: The dried herb, collected after some of the berries have matured.


Herbal uses: Passionflower is known to be a depressant and so can be used to treat

insomnia and hysteria. It is said to be work well in controlling epilepsy. Its narcotic

properties cause it to be used in treating diarrhea and dysentery. Some varieties produce

edible fruits used in jellies and juices. Passionflower can also be used as a brain tonic

when combined with Lady's Slipper, Valerian and Skullcap.


Associations: Passionflower is a sun herb. It is associated with Venus and with the

element of water. The Deities that are associated with this herb are Flora, Feronia and



Magickal uses: Passionflower has uses in protection and love magick. When Passionflower

is used, it calms and brings peace to the home. You can sprinkle dried or fresh

Passionflower over the doorsteps of your house or apartment to keep harm away. If you

carry some of the herb in an amulet bag, you will make friends easier since it will work

to increase your personal charisma making you more attractive and more likable. Place

Passionflower in a dream pillow and it will help you get a good nights sleep. place it in

power bundles and use in love spells to attract love. You can also burn it as an incense

to promote understanding.





Latin name: Rosaceae


Common names: A Rose by any other name would still be a Rose.


Some General Rose Information: More than 10,000 kinds of Roses are known to be in

cultivation but only three types of 'Rose' odors are recognized (those of the Cabbage

Rose, the Damask Rose and the Tea Rose ). However because of how many hybrid rose types

there are, every gradation of odor is possible.


Parts used: flowers, hips.


Herbal uses: Rose petals are known for their mild astringency and tonic value, but they

are today mostly used to impart their scent to other pharmaceutical preparations. When

Rose petals are used as a medicine they are used to treat stomatitis and pharyngitis.

Honey of Roses can be made from clarified honey and fluid extract of Roses and is popular

for treating sore throats and ulcerated mouths. Rose Vinegar, prepared by steeping dried

Rose petals in distilled vinegar, can be used to treat headaches. Two French liqueurs

also have Rose petals as one of the chief ingredients. Ointment of Rose-water, commonly

known as Cold Cream, is used as a soothing, cooling application for chapped hands or face

and minor skin abrasions. Rosehips are a good source of vitamin C and a tea can be made

of them which is good for treating colds and flu.


Associations: Rose is associated with the element of water and with Venus, and is known

as a 'Goddess Herb'. The Deities that Rose are associated with are: Venus, Hulda,

Demeter, Isis, Eros, Cupid, and Adonis.


Magickal uses: Rose is known as *THE* herb of love. Add Rose bud petals to bath water to

conjure up a lover. Put red Rose petals in a red velvet bag and pin this under your

clothes to attract love - or you can wear Rosehips as beads to bring love to you. Rose

oil and Rose incense are both used in love spells. If you wash your hands with Rose water

before mixing love potions, the potions will be stronger. Rose is also good when used in

healing rituals and spells. Burn Rose Petals in your bedroom before going to sleep and

this will guarantee you a good nights sleep. Roses are loved by the fey so you can plant

Roses in your garden to attract fairies. Wild Roses are best for this purpose and you

need to say the following spell as you plant your baby Rose bush:

"I ask a fairy from the wild,

To come and tend this wee rose-child.

A babe of air she thrives today,

Root her soul in the Goddesses' good clay.

Fairies make this twig your bower,

By your magic shall time see her flower!"


Different color Roses have different meanings so you can use Roses to give someone a

message magickally. These are what the different Rose colors mean:

Red - I love you

White - I love you not

Yellow - I love another

Moss - I admire you from afar

Pink - My love for you is innocent

Orange - I love you vigorously

Amethyst - I will love you forever

Wild - I love you because you are fair and innocent





Latin name: Salvia officinalis


Common names: Sawge, Garden Sage, Red Sage, Sage spice


Herbal uses: Sage is used as a spice in many recipes (often in Thanksgiving turkey

stuffing). It can be used as a tea to aid in digestion, and to relieve the discomfort of

measles, dizziness, colds, fever, and headaches. An infusion can be made with Sage and

honey and used as a mouth wash to help cure mouth sores and sore throats. A strong wash

will help in cases of skin ulcers, rashes, and dandruff. It acts as a stimulating tonic

to the digestive tract or nervous system. Rub fresh Sage leaves on the teeth to whiten

and clean them. Sage is also used as an insect repellent, sending away flies and, in the

garden, cabbage moths and carrot flies. It attracts bees, and the result is a very

aromatic honey.


Associations: Sage is associated with Jupiter or Venus, and is associated with the

element of Air.


Magickal uses: Sage is used for fertility, longevity, wishes, wisdom, protection, money

attraction, purification, healing, and health magick. Sage that is being gathered for

magickal use should not be cut with a metal knife or athame. It is said that if you eat

Sage you will become more wise and also immortal. Sage is often an herb used at

handfastings since it will help bring about a long life and domestic virtue for the happy

couple. Sage can be added to almost any healing spell. A good healing amulet may be made

by putting a clove of Garlic, a bit of Eucalyptus and Cinnamon, two pinches of Sage and

one pinch of Saffron into a small blue bag. This bag can then be worn or carried to

promote healing. Sage can also be placed in with Tarotcards or Runes to protect and keep

them 'clean'. Sage can be used for attracting money and for wish manifestations. One of

the most common magickal uses of Sage is as a purifier of sacred spaces, living areas,

and magickal tools. Sage is often used as a main ingredient in "Smudgesticks" and "herb

bundles. If you can gather and dry your own wild Sage for smudging, do so. Native

Americans believe that Sage should never be bought or sold, as this ruins the

spirituality of the herb. To purify a house of unwanted spirits or energy, just light a

sprig of dried Sage and carry it from room to room, visualizing any negativity being

replaced by the purifying fragrance of the Sage. Another way to do this is to burn Sage

in a incense bowl and then brush the smoke around the room by using a feather as a fan.



Solomon's Seal


Latin name: Polygonatum multiflorum


Common names: Lady's Seals, St. Mary's Seal, Dropberry, Sealwort, Sealroot


Part Used: Root.


Please note: this is an endangered species. Gather it with reverence and only when you

find a large patch (take only a few, leave at least seven healthy plants).


Herbal uses: Solomon's Seal is an astringent, demulcent and tonic. Combined with other

remedies, Solomon's Seal is given in pulmonary consumption and bleeding of the lungs. It

is useful also in female complaints. It is a mucilaginous tonic, very healing and

restorative, and is good in treating stomach problems. The powdered roots make an

excellent poultice for bruises, piles, inflammations and tumors.


Associations: Solomon's Seal is associated with Saturn and with the element of fire.


Magickal uses: Solomon's Seal has excellent qualities of cleansing and purification. To

exorcise evil or unwanted spirits from your home, sprinkle a bit of this dried herb in

each corner of every room. Then anoint the door knobs and window sills with Solomon's

Seal protection oil. You can also add nine drops of this oil to your scrub water and wash

around all entrances thoroughly. Solomon's Seal can be added to incense so that the smoke

can cleanse and purify a sacred space or can be scattered to the four winds to purify a

large area.





There are many different varieties of Thistle so these are a few of the best known



Latin names: Holy Thistle - Carbenia benedicta; Milk Thistle - Silybum Marianum


Common names: Holy Thistle - Blessed Thistle; Milk Thistle - Marian Thistle, Our Lady's



Part used: Holy Thistle - herb; Milk Thistle - Whole herb, root, leaves, seeds and hull.


Herbal uses: The Holy Thistle can be used as a liver tonic and also is useful in migraine

headache relief. It can be made into a salve for canker sores and warts. The Milk Thistle

is also a liver tonic but is also useful in helping cure depression. It is used in

Germany for curing jaundice. The decoction when applied externally is said to have proved

beneficial in cases of cancer. Thistle was also said to cure "bitings of mad dogs and

venomous beasts."


Associations: Thistles are associated with the planet of Mars and with the element of

fire. Milk Thistle is associated with the Virgin Mary (Milk Thistle gets its name from

the white veins in its leaves. Legend has it that one day Mary stopped to feed the Holy

Child, and was so tired from her long ride that she fell asleep. The babe was also soon

slumbering, and some drops of milk escaped from Her Breast, and fell upon a Thistle,

which forever bears the imprint of this accident.) The Thistle is also associated with

Scotland and is in fact the nation's national emblem (When Scotland was ravaged by Viking

invaders, the attacking Vikings crept up upon the sleeping Scots - unfortunately the

Vikings stepped in Thistles with their barefeet and their cries of pain woke up the Scots

who were able to fight off the attackers).


Magickal uses: Thistle has great value in protection spells and also is used to bring

spiritual and financial blessings. If Thistle is thrown into a fire, it will protect the

thrower from being struck by lightning during summer storms. Thistle can be carried in an

amulet bag for joy, energy, vitality, and protection - in fact men who carry Thistle

become better lovers! A shirt with Thistle woven into the cloth will protect the wearer

from evil spirits. Thistle can be burned as an incense for protection and also to

counteract hexing. Thistle powder can also be added to ritual baths to give added

protection. Thistle can be grown in the garden to ward of those dreaded vegetable

thieves, and a bowl of fresh Thistle will give off such good strengthening energies that

it is the perfect thing to have in a sickroom. Thistle is a wonderful material to use to

make magick wands for spirit conjuring and magickal walking sticks. In England, the

wizards of old were said to select the tallest thistle and use it as a wand or walking

stick. For a Witchling child, a thistle wand would be good because it might protect him

or her from giving in to peer pressure. If you have a dream about Thistle this is a good

thing because Thistles are good omens in dreams. Boil some thistle, then remove it from

heat and lie or sit beside it as the steam rises. Listen carefully, and you should be

able to get the spirits to answer your questions.




Traditional Harvest Game

author unknown


This game which is actually a fertility rite, is a boisterous but authentic addition to

an Autumnal Equinox Rite.


Ideally there should be equal numbers of men and women. Children enjoy taking part too.

You will need to wear old clothes, and bring something to change into afterwards. Towels

are also an essential part of the equipment.


Find a place to represent Home, where there is a low wall or perhaps a large rock which

an be used as a table. It is best if this table can be approached under cover from

several directions. This place is secret: the men must not be told where it is, for part

of the game is trying to find it.


Killing the Bright Lord:

A sheaf of corn, decorated with a red ribbon, is taken to a place some distance away from

Home, out of sight and hearing. The men go off to Kill the Bright Lord, represented by

the sheaf. They carry copious amounts of ale and an old sickle. They set up the sheaf in

a cleared space and sing songs like "John Barleycorn" in the most macho voices they can

manage. Forming a ring around the sheaf, each man steps four paces from the center, one

for each winter month, and one for luck. The jug of ale is then passed round. Each man

must drink before taking a throw at the sheaf. As each one throws the sickle he must say

something to the God he intends to slay. This goes on until someone knocks or cuts the

sheaf down. The men then split up to attack Home, coming from as many directions as

possible. This approach is silent at first, and then wild cries are heard as they reach

their objective.


The Cave of the Goddess: 

The women, meanwhile, are busy preparing the table. This represents the cave of the

Goddess to which the slain hero is brought. They lay out a feast, and prepare devious

deterrents for the invading men. Buckets of milk and water, and sometimes plates of crazy

foam, green slime and soot are added. These delightfully messy ingredients are placed in

all kinds of booby traps: buckets, paper plates and so on. You can see why a change of

clothes is required.


Attacking Home:

Once the men have launched their attack, it is essential that they are all made as wet as

possible-especially the man carrying the sheaf, for he will be the one who has cut it.

This part of the game usually ends in a frontal attack, as the men pass the sheaf between

themselves like a rugby ball or American football. Everyone sings:


Let us welcome home the fallen

To the Goddess all return

The seed shall fertilize the womb

So that life shall be re-born


The women defend Home with everything they can lay their hands on until one of the men

succeeds in placing the now-soaking sheaf on the table. He is designated priest for the

remainder of the rite.


A harvest feast:

The women who scored the first hit becomes the priestess. This couple now hang the sheaf

suitably dowsed with clean water, from a branch. They bless the food and wine or ale and

are the first to eat and drink-uttering whatever thanks they think fit. Everyone joins in

and you all get down to some serious feasting.



After the feast the sheaf is either taken down and buried or kept until the spring when

it should form part of the Imbolc fire. Either way it must eventually return to the

Earth. This festival has a serious side, for it is one of balance. It points up the need

for balance in the relationship between the two sexes, and their mutual dependence. 




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